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T.K.Rajendran, Founder and CEO

T.K.Rajendran has been the source of inspiration and the pillar behind TKR Group of companies. He started his career as one of the partners of TMMK & Sons. He later founded TKR Groups in the year 1983 and has been successfully running it till now.


T.R.Kandasamy, Partner and COO  

T.R.Kandasamy joined hands with T.K. Rajendran and T.R.Thamilarasu in founding TKR Groups. He started manufacturing salt in the year 1993 and retail marketing in 2005 and is in charge of managing the brand SeaSun.

Contact: trk@tkr.in


T.R.Thamilarasu, Partner and CEO  

T.R.Thamilarasu ventured the company into being agents in Imports and Exports. He is in charge of wholesale of sugar. He is credited to have been the past Director of Tamilnadu Mercantile bank.

Contact: tkr@tkr.in